
Protection Nets – Wind Break Nets

Investment in modern and effective windbreakers in an agricultural environment can offer long-term benefits by guaranteeing better quality and more abundant crops. Strong and severe winds are one of the biggest problems facing growers and, therefore, the erection of windbreaking structures is a vital element in protecting crops from damage. Windbreakers will benefit field crops, vegetables, flowering plants and fruit-trees.

They also protect crops against the winds blown from the ocean that are harmful because of the high content of salt. Depending on the structure of the net, it is possible to reduce wind-speed by 50% to 70%. Each meter height protects 10 running meters of crop. Green-Tek recommends the use of 50% black shade net with strings for the windbreakers. Other densities are available without the strings.

Wind Break Nets – Reduce wind speeds up 50-70%