Aluminet Reflective Energy Curtains
Aluminet ICFR Energy Curtains
Retractable Shade Systems
Aluminet became world famous as an economical open mesh thermal shade screen. However,many customers needed a closed fabric for efficient heat retention. Green-Tek proudly introduces Aluminet® ICFR, in indoor, closed, heat retention curtain with world class quality, value pricing, and endurance.
Woven from Polyethylene/Aluminum strips treated with fire retardant, Aluminet ICFR moderates day/night temperatures, enabling microclimate control in greenhouses and nurseries. Other benefits include reducing shadows, controlled air movement, and optimum light diffusion to crops.
When Aluminet ICFR is used outdoors, the aluminum strips make it a world class frost protection blanket.
ICFR Clear Energy Saving Screen
Shade Percentage: 22-24%
Energy Savings: 43%
Diffused Light Transmission: 94-95%
This FIRE RETARDANT screen is designed especially for internal use and energy saving, or to be installed as a moveable thermal screen. For moderate shading in a broad variety of crops. The screen prevents irradiation damage in plants and fruits. Widths are obtainable upon request. Flexible, light, strong and easy to spread. Recyclable and UV resistant. The screen complies with the US fire retardant regulation NFPA 701.

ICFR 50 Energy Saving Screen
Shade Percentage: 46-48%
Energy Savings: 55%
Diffused Light Transmission: 74-75%
This FIRE RETARDANT screen is designed especially for internal use and energy saving, or to be installed as a moveable thermal screen.
For moderate shading in a broad variety of crops. The screen prevents irradiation damage in plants and fruits.
- Widths are obtainable upon request.
- Flexible, light, strong and easy to spread.
- Recyclable and UV resistant.
- The screen complies with the US fire retardant regulation NFPA 701
Aluminet IC70 – Energy Saving Screen
Shade Percentage: 73-75%%
Energy Savings:70%
Diffused Light Transmission: 45-46%
The net is designed especially for internal use and energy saving, or to be installed as a moveable thermal screen.
For moderate shading in a broad variety of crops.
The net prevents irradiation damage in plants and fruits and reduces heat in greenhouses during hot days.
- Other widths are available upon request.
- Available with drawstrings for suspended installations and movable screens.
- Flexible, light, strong and easy to spread.
- Recyclable and UV resistant.

Technical Details
Flame retardant: Yes
Weight (gr/m²): 72-74
UV resistance (years): 5
Maximum width (ft): 17
Material: HDPE
Max. roll run (m): Upon request
ICFR 60 – Energy Saving Screen
Shade Percentage: 59-61%%
Energy Savings:60%
Diffused Light Transmission: 60-61%
This FIRE RETARDANT screen is designed especially for internal use and energy saving, or to be installed as a moveable thermal screen.
For moderate shading in a broad variety of crops. The screen prevents irradiation damage in plants and fruits.
Widths are obtainable upon request
Flexible, light, strong and easy to spread
Recyclable and UV resistant
The screen complies with the US fire retardant regulation NFPA 701